In our continued effort to reduce waste wherever possible, Choice Health Bar charges 50¢ for each made-to-order item ‘to-go’. We encourage customers to utilize our dishes and cutlery for dine in meals, to BYO reusable cutlery and containers, and to participate in the Hui Zero reusable takeout container program.
Funds collected from the to-go charge are used to offset the cost of takeaway containers and help us to invest in innovative waste diversion solutions. Choice is proud to be the first food service provider on Maui to effectively return our takeaway containers to soil through a pilot project with West Maui Green Cycle.
We seek to alter the norm of throw-away culture, to inspire conscious consumerism and invest in responsible landfill diversion for our community. Mahalo for your support.
Reducing our impact wherever possible
We are constantly evaluating our environmental influence, seeking alternatives to reduce waste and connecting with the eco conscious community. Zero-waste practices are an integral part of who we are. We know there are always ways to improve, so we aim to be environmental leaders. As a business and community gathering place, it is our kuleana (responsibility) to do everything that we can to help protect our island home, the land, and the ocean that surrounds us.